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January 9, 2014

The art of a selfie

I take "selfies."
There it is, out in the open.
I'm not ashamed. What's the point in having a smart phone if you don't? They practically encourage the taking of selfies.
But you see friends, taking selfies as a mother needs to be done. Must be done. Or how else will your children ever know what you even looked like while you were raising them?
I find myself taking countless hours of videos, numerous amounts of pictures of my hubby and kiddos. At the end of the day though, there aren't that many videos and photos of me. That is, unless I took them.
Funny how I'm more embarrassed to ask someone to take a photo of me than the possibility of getting caught in my car taking a picture of my epic hair do.
Don't get me wrong, I take selfies of more than me and my awesome hair days. I take selfies of the good and the bad, the beautiful and the not so beautiful.

here's some of my favorite/top selfies of 2013:

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Left: The good hair day. Yes, I took this picture in my car. And yes, a complete stranger caught me doing it.
Right: I woke up with Little Mermaid hair. So of course, a filtered red picture was necessary.
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Left: I hate cutting onions. That day I diced about a bazillion for a chili cookoff. Don't fear, it wasn't in vain, it won most unique chili!
Right: After the pool hair. I took out my elastic to uncover this monstrosity. Tavin laughed his head off and called me "stanch head." Still not really sure what that means...
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Left: Photo bomb with oldest offspring.                            Right: Photo bomb with youngest offspring.
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Left: Selfies are always better with Mr. T.     Right: Did I mention that selfies are always better with Mr. T??
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Left: Selfies with little Miss Eylee usually involve being fed something and then discovering how it must have been pre-chewed first...
Right: Nose picking selfies. The best.
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Left: Those sweet moments selfies. yes please.
Right: Little girl learning the art of selfies. She probably took 20 photos, this is the only one that her face actually made it into the shot. Girl needs some work. ;)

Even though selfies are "so 2013," I'll still be participating in the now ancient fad. But have you heard about the new selfie? The "felfie." a.k.a. farmers taking selfies. This new 2014 trend has it's own website. Who knew?( Check out more about it here.

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