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January 10, 2014

The best darn blueberry muffins I ever did make

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I'm very particular on my muffins. I like the nice moist kind of muffins. The "hey! This tastes just like Betty Crocker!" kind of muffins. Not the kind that relate more to rocks than any sort of baked good. Other than banana bread muffins, I had been pretty stumped as to what was wrong with every muffin recipe I had ever made. Too sticky, too hard, flavorless, just downright not very yummy muffins.
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Then Betti came into my life. No, not Betty Crocker. She's been in my life for...for forever. Baker Bettie.
Ben had actually showed me her food blog about a year or more ago. But after seeing Bettie, I was wondering if he was there for her baked goods...or just for her goods. I mean, her little blurb under her header is, "Get busy in the kitchen with me." Come on ladies! How many husbands spend their time hunting down that perfect fudgy brownie recipe? Not many. If any. So I never really gave her blog any serious thought. Until today. And I'm one lucky ducky that I did! She has a ton of recipes all with beautiful photos.
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This morning I made a batch of muffins up and loved them from first bite. I had to stop Tavin multiple times from stealing another one. And if it ain't good, Tavin ain't gonna' eat it. Trust me. And of course little Miss Eylee gobbled them up. I'm so excited to try some more of Betti's recipes. You should check her out if you haven't already. And don't forget her blueberry muffin recipe!
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