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January 6, 2014

Christmas Overload

Christmas time was awesome this year!
It started November 12 and went until Jan 2 in our house. (The day after Remembrance day, Nov 12, is acceptable to begin putting up Christmas decorations in Canada)
We went to Calgary a few days before Christmas and celebrated it with family. There was even a surprise visit by two special Greffs from Vancouver! Ben's mom and dad, aka Grandma and Grandpa, also made it to Alberta from Kentucky.
There was LOTS of baking and LOTS of card playing. I'm pretty sure that's about all we really did. Oh, and eat. There was definitely a lot of eating going on.
When all the kids and adults were under the same roof, it became a mad house! Kids running everywhere and adults talking loud enough to be heard. It was the best.
I just love Christmas.

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So here's two videos. One of the Christmas in Calgary and one of my kiddies a friend's sweet lil' man destroying a gingerbread house.

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  1. The video made me totally bawl. I'm so glad we got to spend some of the holidays with you guys. LOVE YOU!

  2. Caitlin!! This is sooo beautiful!! Thank you so much for capturing all those moments and editing them all together. What a little treasure. Gah!! We LOVED it.
