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October 16, 2013

Girly girl

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My little girl is a typical girly girl. She loves to put on tutus and dance in circles till she's sick with nausea. She loves dolls, Barbies, pink horses, and dresses. 
She gives the sweetest kisses with the biggest duck lips. Kisses you can't turn down even though half the time her lips are covered with wet and slimy snot. 
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She had her first x-rays of any kind the other day to check out her tooth. She took a fall and knocked one of her front teeth up into her gums. After talking with my husband, who goes to dental school, I knew that a number of things could happen to that little tooth. The worst being that it would fall out. I was SO scared that my little girl might have to live another 6 years without a front tooth. All I could think about was how mean kids would be towards her, how she might be seriously emotionally affected by it. (I mean, nobody wants to be called "Snaggle tooth" at any point in time)
Luckily, the x-rays showed that her tooth wasn't inserted far enough into the gum to do anything negative. And with her thumb sucking, she's ultimately pulled the tooth back where it belongs.
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These four pictures are Eylee during one of her fiery tantrums during pictures yesterday morning. My favorite tantrum so far has been at Wal-Mart while the two of us were out picking up a few things. She wanted to push the shopping cart by herself so badly that she threw her body down onto the concrete, face first mind you, and began to scream-sob. (You moms know what I'm talking about, right? The crying that is over exaggerated and comes with a pinch of horrifyingly siren loud screaming. Yeah, the classic scream-sob. One of my favorites) Anywho, I ended up channeling my Mom and pulled the, "I'm leaving now, Eylee. Bye! See ya at home!" trick, which works beautifully with Tavin. But with this girl, the little diva inside was turned up even higher and she began to scream with an intensity I have never heard. Pretty sure people thought I rolled the cart over top her. I ended up carrying her through the store, to the check out, and buckled her into her car seat during her fit of rage.
She's a little bit independent to say the least. This makes for great helping at home but epic melt downs in public.

Oh Eylee girl, you're too much personality for me to handle.  
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1 comment:

  1. I'm obsessed with your kids. I seriously love them SO much. It doesn't hurt that they are wickedly cute. So glad that my M and your E can grow up and be buddies.
